WPHorde – Guest Posting
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkDdstj9grU WPHorder now has Guest Posting Capabilities. You can allow others to post to your blogs, and or post to other's guest post enabled blogs. If you do not want…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkDdstj9grU WPHorder now has Guest Posting Capabilities. You can allow others to post to your blogs, and or post to other's guest post enabled blogs. If you do not want…
https://youtu.be/ORyPbFPM73I Get your own WordAI account here. https://x-2.us/wordai
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgBPo_n-ZY4 Working with Wordefence Security may seem daunting, however WPHorde can work well with Wordfence security in place if you follow our few simple steps. Here is the IPV4 that…
https://youtu.be/bd89c5h8lIk In this video we show you how to connected your self hosted Wordpress blog to WPHorde.
With this little gem of training, you will learn the secrets how to keep your Blogs on the same server and Google is none the wiser! I go through it…